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How to Develop a Healthier Daily Routine

June Duncan is my guest blogger this week. As a caregiver herself, she offers many suggestions to help caregivers on their journeys. Leading a healthier lifestyle means consistently choosing to prioritize your physical and mental...

Food Fight!

  It’s so frustrating. Bombarded with ads for foods we know are bad for us, we still scarf down  double hamburgers loaded with cheese and bacon, topped with added fries. After inhaling every delicious morsel, we lean back and think, “I really should start to eat...

Mother Nature Rules

  MOTHER NATURE RULES (whether we like it or not) Nature’s perfection – “Medicine Woman’s” (my daughter-in-law’s) garden It could be anything — a heart attack, cancer diagnosis, stroke. Suddenly your life stops at a crossroads. Make the best of things, take your...