by Sue | Nov 14, 2022 | Faith
I could be dead right now. Looking back, the whole thing seemed like a fluke, until… I heard a funny sound coming from my refrigerator. I peered inside and everything looked okay, so I thought nothing of it. A few days later, standing in front of my washing...
by Sue | Aug 14, 2022 | Care Giving
Somewhere on your TV band every Christmas, you will find It’s a Wonderful Life, starring James Stewart and Donna Reed. Since 1946, the story of a man ready to jump the bridge because he felt his life was a dismal failure turns out to be one of hope and joy....
by Sue | Mar 21, 2022 | Faith
Years ago, I came upon a quirky piece of art. At first glance, it looked like a picture made up of thousands of shards of colored pieces. Colorful, but where was the artistry? (Clearly, I’m not a fan of modern art. I like an apple to look like an apple.) The more I...
by Sue | Aug 29, 2021 | Faith
I was one of millions glued to the TV as Nick Wallenda prayed his way across the Grand Canyon years ago. For someone who has difficulty navigating a sidewalk (and freezes two feet off the ground if there is nothing to cling to), I cannot imagine how anyone...
by Sue | Feb 13, 2021 | Faith
After I posted “God’s Fugue,” my friend Bob Zinnecker sent me this wonderful article about his wife’s faith walk while he battled cancer. Elaine Zinnecker’s story appeared in the September 2, 1984 issue of Evangel. It speaks so well about God’s loving hand in...