Care Giving
“Forget Me Not” by Debra Kostiw
So I’ve been a nurse for over 50 years, in hospital and community settings. My desire to work with caregivers arose when I was the sole caregiver for both my parents. It was grueling trying to balance work and my home life. It made me wonder how “lay” people...
Hi Grandma
As I was deciding what I wanted to blog about today, I realized that many folks my age are care receivers and not caregivers. Because I’m in that vulnerable cohort, I often get those phonecalls that begin, “Hi Grandma.” A sob story seeking money as the solution soon...
How to Develop a Healthier Daily Routine
June Duncan is my guest blogger this week. As a caregiver herself, she offers many suggestions to help caregivers on their journeys. Leading a healthier lifestyle means consistently choosing to prioritize your physical and mental...
Your Great Commission
Somewhere on your TV band every Christmas, you will find It’s a Wonderful Life, starring James Stewart and Donna Reed. Since 1946, the story of a man ready to jump the bridge because he felt his life was a dismal failure turns out to be one of hope and joy....
Home Sweet Home
Photo by Pixels Today’s blog is by guest blogger, James Hall of Home | Senior Care Fitness Tips for Setting Up Your Home for a Senior Loved One When your senior loved one is about to move in with you, there are certain steps you’ll want to take that are necessary to...
Sculptor in Chief
One Christmas, my daughter-in-law gave Gene and me our own pens. Before we could ask why, she grinned and said, “I’m tired of hearing “MINE!” from you. We laughed because we knew just what this sibling among seven meant. As only children, Gene and I never had to share...