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Second Installment of my Knee Surgery Journey

    I wasn’t thinking about the future when I thought the sunken great- room in my forever home was a great idea. Hint: looking for your golden years’ residence had better include mobility concerns. Fortunately, since they scheduled my surgery for...

My Knee Surgery Journey

  We’ve always had certain “rites of passage” in our culture. I have a photo of my father as a toddler in a dress. If you knew my father, you would laugh right now. Anyway, he soon passed into short pants, and from there to long pants. The first bra is a girl’s...

Something to Squawk About

As much as I promote and eat a plant based diet, I do occasionally eat chicken, beef, or seafood. Some wouldn’t touch animal products with a ten foot pole. Others are content eating the standard American diet – the “meat and potatoes” crowd. Each to his own....

Battle of the Bulge

Have your best January intentions about dieting flown the coop? I could say mine have, except I didn’t make any. I’ve learned the hard way that will power lasts only so long. There has got to be a better way, and there is. It’s not how much I eat, but what I eat. All...

Eat the Food You Love

  While I underwent cancer treatment, I followed a diet that eliminated anything that could feed cancer cells. It was the only diet I ever followed to the letter because I wanted to keep cancer in my rear view mirror forever. I lost weight, a good thing, but I...

Christmas Minefield

Do you wave the white flag of surrender around Thanksgiving and vow your better menu angel will return on January 1? How many times have you promised yourself you would eat healthy over the holidays, no matter what, when the doorbell rings and a friend stands on the...