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Love Your Favorite Food

As many of you know, Dr. William Li appears frequently in my Body and Soul blogs. Not only a practicing physician, he is also a brilliant researcher of all things food related. I like him because he has a balanced approach to health and wellness. He will prescribe...

How to Develop a Healthier Daily Routine

June Duncan is my guest blogger this week. As a caregiver herself, she offers many suggestions to help caregivers on their journeys. Leading a healthier lifestyle means consistently choosing to prioritize your physical and mental...

Redefining “Old”

Last evening, I listened to a physician on television declare that Covid is especially problematic to people “who have the diseases of aging,” such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, etc. Unfortunately, he didn’t miss a beat when I shouted, “Not so fast, Skippy!”...

Don’t Poke Yourself with Your Fork

So I just bought another book — Dr, Michael T. Murray MD’s The Magic of Food – Live Longer and Healthier and Lose Weight- with the Synergetic Diet. I need another diet plan like a hole in the head, but after reading  the (free) first chapter, I realized this is more...

When Is Food Not Food?

Are you feeling over-stuffed after the Holidays?  If you are like me, you left the ranch and grazed on lots of sugar, salt, and fat that made everything taste oh so good. Now you eye the scale and look to January 1st as the day when you will “eat right” and undo the...